Exploring Minimalism | 5 Resources to Help You Eliminate Clutter

Declutter mindfully with these tips
Accomplishing a goal doesn't have to be a solitary adventure. I've transformed my closet and simplified my life with the help of online resources. Here are the tool’s that have indispensable to me over the last few months:
  • Unfancy’s capsule experiment is my go-to guide for closet organization guide. She shares tips on creating and maintaining a capsule closet.
  • The Minimalists: Their approach takes recommends decluttering your physical and mental/emotional space. I especially love their podcasts and Month of Minimalism series.
  • YouTube: I find watching videos one of the easiest ways to absorb information. My current favorites are Light by Coco, Rachel Aust, Inspiroue and Lavendaire.
  • My Minimalism Pinterest Board: A lot of my inspiration comes from things I find on Pinterest. I created a board on Pinterest dedicated only to my pursuit of a minimal closet and by extension, life
  • Rachel Nordgren speaks about minimalism from a spiritual perspective. I was drawn to her because I challenged myself to let go of things I don’t need during Lent. I love her 31 day challenge

Defining and recognizing enough is hard, especially when it's so easy to get more. I know I struggle with this concept, but I'm working on it and getting lessons from others. As cliche as it may be, I truly believe it takes a village to raise a child. The "child" that I'm learning to raise is minimalism and I'm trying to learn to be content with enough. I don't have a clear definition of "enough" right now, as soon as I'm enlightened I'll let ya know.

Join my village! If you have any tips or feedback that'll help me on my journey to a simple, experience abundant life, please sheya (share)!

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